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Leading Without Heart

Corporate Malice Hiding in Plain Sight... One Pharmacist's Story

about the book

I chose pharmacy for its unique position in the healthcare arena and for its ability to transcend and break through barriers to patient care. I watch as the profession continues to spiral downward with the claims of a pharmacist shortage.

A program called the Pharmacy Workplace and Well-Being Report allows pharmacy employees to submit both positive and negative experiences with hopes of opening new dialogue to improve the workplace. I ask, why does a site like this HAVE TO EXIST for a profession? Why is there such suffering? Pharmacy employees are still suffering and resorting to desperate measures like walking out. IS THE PUBLIC HEARING THEIR CRIES? CORPORATE IS NOT. ONLY THE PUBLIC CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

I have great hopes that improvements will be made but I know how CVS defended actions made by "support staff" yet used the same old "patient abandonment" on me during deposition by legal counsel to CVS. Pharmacy staff are suffering from inadequate staffing, unreasonable metrics, and harassment.

My former employer's motto "bringing our heart to every moment of your health" is a "mere platitude" as pointed out by a colleague of mine. A fitting word: Platitude; a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful. In his words, "it means absolutely nothing."

"This story is my destiny. I want to shine a light on more than the

poor working conditions pharmacists face. I want to show the hidden,

often mental abuse, that is incurred when no longer considered valuable

by this company. I hope to make the difference that so many have failed

to accomplish."

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